
Hacon Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH

Lister Straße 15
D-30163 Hannover

Tel: +49 / 511 / 336 99 - 0
Fax: +49 / 511 / 336 99 - 99

Frank Gerken (CEO),
Jens Stottmann (CFO)

Vorsitzende des Aufsichtsrats:
Devina Pasta

Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Hannover HRB 1712
USt-ID:DE 115670237

1. Haftungsausschluss
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3. Urheberrecht
Die auf dieser Website veröffentlichten Inhalte unterliegen dem deutschen Urheberrecht. Jede vom deutschen Urheberrechtsgesetz nicht zugelassene Verwertung bedarf der vorherigen schriftlichen Zustimmung des Anbieters oder des jeweiligen Rechteinhabers.Bildnachweis

Konzept, Gestaltung und TYPO3-Umsetzung

B2B-Digitalagentur GmbH
Jordanstraße 26a
30173 Hannover


Anti-Corruption Policy

Self-declaration of a Code of Conduct

Corruption disturbs the public’s trust, impedes economic and social development and considerably degrades fair business. The purpose of this policy is to make sure compliance by all employees, officers and directors of Hacon with the anti-corruption laws in the countries in which Hacon does or intends to do business. If local laws institute stricter requirements, Hacon will comply with such stricter requirements.

It’s the guiding principle of Hacon, that in doing business anywhere in the world, Hacon, all affiliates, employees, officers and directors of Hacon and all persons that act as a representative, agent, or advisors to Hacon or any of its affiliates, has to comply fully with applicable anti-corruption laws.

Hacon employees are prohibited from directly or indirectly offering, giving, soliciting or receiving any form of bribe, kickback or other corrupt payment or anything of value (meaning for the sake of clarity, exclusive and lavish gifts, inappropriate to the recipient’s position and circumstances and to the occasion), to or from any person or organization.

This prohibition applies world-wide, without exception, without regard to regional customs, local practices. As well this prohibition applies to the indirect payment of any such bribe, kickback or other corrupt payment that may be carried out through third parties.


Modern Slavery Statement

We as Siemens Mobility company take the fight against human trafficking very seriously. Please find attached the latest Modern Slavery Statement available. 

Any further information is also available at