Will MaaS Replace the Private Car?
Sustainable Mobility
When it comes to the question which role private cars should play in future mobility scenarios, opinions differ. In this article, Robert Bichsel, Product Owner for MaaS at Siemens Mobility, and Svenja Katharina Weiß, Team Lead Marketing at Hacon, examine the interplay of private cars and Mobility as a Service. There are two central questions here:
- Why is it so difficult to make the shift from using private cars?
- In which ways can MaaS platforms contribute?
Demand Responsive Transport
DRT as an Important Aspect of MaaS
Demand Responsive Transport (DRT), is an important key to success of the MaaS concept. Transport providers extend their fleets and schedules meeting existing demands, for example, by providing transport for the first and last mile of a trip. DRT enables mobility at off-peak times when a regular schedule would no longer be profitable for providers.
Combined Power for Mobility
References & more Information
Further information on our MaaS solutions and our references can be found on the Siemens Mobility website.