Public Transport in Switzerland: Pilot Project on Compensation for Delays - with Technology from Hacon
On behalf of Alliance SwissPass, the SBB has conducted a pilot test on delay compensation. The pilot ran from the end of September to the end of October 2020; 300 test customers were involved.

The pilot project was also a first for a new Hacon product: HAFAS.timemachine supports transport companies in efficiently managing passenger rights. With HAFAS.timemachine, it is possible to check quickly and easily whether the individual trip of a passenger was feasible on time. New about this: For the first time, not only isolated segments but also complex connections with several changes can be checked within a few clicks. Potential alternative connections are also checked automatically. The challenge: Routing suggestions (including alternatives) vary depending on the daily traffic and timetable situation and are therefore hard to analyse in retrospect. However, HAFAS.timemachine makes the complete connection information - as it would have been displayed to the passenger on the day of travel - accessible on the basis of historical data.
Starting in January 2021, the regular compensation rules will be in effect in Switzerland. These compensation rules apply to all public transport riders. Passengers receive (partial) refunds for delays of 60 minutes or more. HAFAS.timemachine will be used to check the claims.
Further information on HAFAS.timemachine can be found here in our product video.
Time travel meets passenger rights
The HAFAS.timemachine enables transport companies to reconstruct whether individual journeys of specific passengers were possible as scheduled. Our Project Manager Waldemar Zimmermann shows how the HAFAS Time Machine maps the entire routing at the time of the trip. Let's do the time warp!